Dental Cleaning
Dental cleanings are an important part of maintaining your oral health, as well as the health of your entire body. They also help make your smile whiter and brighter. Whether you’re looking after your overall health or getting ready for a major event, visit us for a dental cleaning in Airdrie to remove stains and give yourself a brighter smile.
Oral hygiene is more than just keeping your teeth clean. Evidence suggests that gum disease, which can occur with poor oral hygiene, affects cardiovascular health and increases stroke risk, as well as the likelihood of delivering preterm and low-birthweight babies among pregnant women. For patients in Airdrie, dental checkups scheduled regularly can ensure good oral health and reduce these risks.
While some people accumulate little tartar on their teeth, others seem to experience buildup relatively quickly regardless of their oral hygiene at home. Various factors contribute to this, including genetics, diet, and susceptibility to tartar, and as such, it’s important for us to tailor dental cleaning length, technique, and frequency to your individual needs.
We offer dental cleanings in Airdrie for patients of all ages, and we take the utmost care in the quality of our work.
Of course you can still get a cleaning done on the same day as your exam appointment if you choose so! In some occasions we do recommend a second cleaning appointment get your teeth closer to a healthy state.
Frequently Asked Questions
The cost of a dental cleaning in Airdrie can vary depending on individual needs and the specific services provided. Our clinic follows the Alberta Dental Association and College fee guide, which helps to ensure fair and transparent pricing. Please contact our office for a personalized estimate based on your individual treatment plan.
Yes, your dental hygienist can remove stains that dull and discolour your teeth, as well as plaque, which can cause gum diseases. The result is a healthier, brighter, and whiter smile.
Professional dental cleaning is an effective way to reduce or remove yellow stains that are at the surface-level; however, factors such as certain foods, tobacco use, and aging can contribute to deeper yellowing in the teeth that may not be fully removed by a dental cleaning.
While dentists have often recommended that individuals have their teeth cleaned twice per year, recent research has shown that while this is necessary for some, it may not be necessary for all patients. To ensure your best oral health, visit Yankee Valley Dental for dental cleaning in Airdrie and we can provide you with a recommended cleaning schedule.
What You Need to Know
Did You Know?
Everyone knows that sweets can cause cavities. But what you may not know is that frequency of snacking plays a very important factor in development of cavities. For example, if you are eating the same amount of sweets in one sitting vs over the course of the day, cavities are more likely to develop in the latter case. This is because the teeth don’t get as much change to ‘remineralize’ themselves after multiple snacks. The best thing you can do is to drink lots of water to neutralize the pH in the mouth, and decrease the number of snacks.