We all know that regular dental checkups are important for maintaining a healthy smile. But what happens if you experience a dental issue between appointments? How can you tell if you need a filling?

At our dental clinic in Airdrie, we often see patients who are unsure whether their dental discomfort warrants a filling. We’ve put together this helpful guide to help you understand the signs and symptoms that may indicate the need for a dental filling in Airdrie.

Signs You May Need a Dental Filling

  • Tooth Sensitivity: Do you wince when you eat something hot, cold, or sweet? This sudden sensitivity could indicate a cavity that needs attention.
  • Visible Damage: Can you see a hole, pit, or dark spot on your tooth? This is often a telltale sign of decay.
  • Pain or Discomfort: Persistent toothaches, especially when biting down, can signal a deeper issue requiring a filling.
  • Food Getting Stuck: If food frequently gets trapped between your teeth, it could mean there’s a cavity creating unwanted space.
  • Broken or Lost Filling: If an existing filling breaks or falls out, you’ll need to get it replaced promptly to prevent further decay.

What to Expect at Yankee Valley Dental

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to book an appointment at our dental clinic in Airdrie as soon as possible. During your visit, our experienced dentists will examine your teeth thoroughly and may take X-rays to determine the extent of the damage and confirm whether a filling is necessary.

Types of Fillings We Offer

At Yankee Valley Dental, we primarily use tooth-coloured white fillings for a natural-looking restoration. These fillings are durable and aesthetically pleasing. However, we may recommend silver fillings in certain situations, particularly for back teeth that endure significant chewing forces.

We also offer gold and porcelain inlays and onlays (partial coverage crowns) for more extensive damage to provide optimal strength and durability.

Schedule Your Dental Filling in Airdrie

Remember, early detection is key to preventing further dental complications. If you suspect you may need a dental filling in Airdrie, our team is here to help. We’re committed to providing you with high-quality dental care in a comfortable, relaxed environment.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment.